Referring to Quantum Inspire
When you would like to refer to Quantum Inspire in an article, paper, thesis etc., please use the following reference:
QuTech. (2025). Quantum Inspire Home. Retrieved from Quantum Inspire:
Let's get inspired
Educate the masses, elevate their standard of intelligence, and you will certainly have a successful nation - Alexander Graham Bell
This quick guide provides information about the following topics.
- Working with the editor
- Executing your algorithms
- Displaying and downloading of results
- Creating a new project
- Managing your projects
- Managing your account
More information on the differences between the accounts and what you can and cannot do with each account is provided on the accounts page.
The video below will take you through the basic steps to create an account, write a simple algorithm and examine your results.
This quick guide also contains a set of code examples that you could try for yourself:
Note that some more examples can be found in the GitHub repository of the Quantum Inspire SDK.